Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tips For Classic Furniture Maintenance

Tips For Classic Furniture Maintenance

Furniture maintenance is the best way for you to have a clean and comfortable. Some people just love to have Classic Furniture inside their house because it will give elegant and classy impression for house owner. Classic Furniture Type is usually require a little bit of attention for maintenance. Some Basic Tips For Classic Furniture Maintenance so they will last longer :

Classic Furniture Treatment
Classic Furniture is generally made from high quality wood. As we all know if wood will respond to humidity and weather changing. If you put your Classic Furniture on dry place then use some humidifier when you clean them. If you put your Classic Furniture on humid place then you should get them dry for some periodic time. Try not to put your Classic Furniture close to Air Conditioner or Heater or Temperature Regulation to have maximum age of your Classic Furniture.

Classic Furniture Coating
If you do have Classic Furniture inside your house then probably you do not have to wash or clean them often because Classic Furniture usually equipped with some furniture coating to preserve them and prevent damage to them.

Classic Furniture Cleaner
Do not use furniture cleaner contain silicon because if you do use some silicon cleaner, it will leave some spot that which hard to remove. It is best to use some wet smooth fabric to clean your Classic Furniture. You can use some soap for Classic Furniture Cleaning but you should not use soap which contain ammonia.

Good Habit For Classic Furniture
It will be better to prevent your Classic Furniture from being broken than fix them. Always use some fabric or tray before you put anything such as vase or glass on your Classic Furniture.

Classic Furniture Damage Prevention This is the last thing you should do if you have Classic Furniture inside your house. Just try to find a good place for them, avoid direct sunlight or weather exposure is the best way to prevent damages for your Classic Furniture.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things To Consider For House Decoration

Things To Consider For House Decoration

There are so many things to be considered when you do some decorate for your room inside your house to have The Best Room Design based on your taste. I am very sure that you want to make your dream house come true. Room decoration and interior is very important because they will give impression totally about yourself and also make you very comfortable to spend your time at home. There are some tips for you to consider when you need to change your home interior or decoration such as :

House Floor Plan
House dimension including room dimension inside your entire house is the first thing you need to look at for decorating your house interior. Pay attention carefully for each of your room dimension such as room width, length and height. Also take a look at the windows and doors dimension then think of something which will fit with them. Try to always bring your House Floor Plan if you go for shopping so you will make some choice easier and minimize some mistakes.

House Interior Concept And Style
It is better for you if you decide the concept after doing some House Floor Plan analysis. Ask yourself what kind of House Interior And Style you really want. Searching for some House Interior And Design is also good for you to have much more imagination for your House Interior and Decoration Plan.

Clear Room Definition
It is always good to write a clear definition for each room you want to decorate. Try to make some detail definition. For example, the concept is minimalist room then you need to create a clear definition for it such as minimalist room with romantic interior in light yellow and candles. With this clear definition, you will know exactly what you need to make it. See my previous post about House Paint Tips and House Paint Color Meaning And Impression for more detail information.

Room Function
After you done all three step above, the next step for you to do is considering the room function so you will definitely buy the right furniture or other room accessories and put them exactly in the right place.

Room Lighting And Accessories
The presence of some lamps inside your house can be more than just lighting for your house. They can also create some various impression so you have to maximize them. For accessories, you must try to choose which support your selected theme. Putting some accessories for house decoration can be a little tricky. Put a pair of accessories to make some symmetric impression and use odd numbers of small accessories to make it more interesting. See my previous post about Choose House Lighting for more detail information.

Room Furniture
First thing first, you should choose the best furniture for your house based on your budget. Pay attention for furniture and room dimension. Do not put large furniture if you only have small room but also do not be so hesitate to put large furniture if you have a big room. Try to put a contrast furniture among the other furniture, it will create more dramatic impression. See my previous post about Buying Furniture Guide - Things To Avoid for more detail information.

Architecture Style
If you have done all the preparation above, try to flashback before your house have built and look at your house architecture style. If you do the right things from the beginning then all the stuff must be fit and suitable. Feel free to change anything you like if you feel it is necessary.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tips For Home Office Design And Style

Tips For Home Office Design And Style

Working at home is the most wanted lifestyle in the world. Everybody just want it so bad. Almost everybody agree if being a freelance or part timer working and doing your work at home is the most enjoyable work. There are so many advantage with working at home. We can do the work at home means a lot of fun, do not have to trapped in traffic jam, no rush hour, flexibility, etc. Having a workspace at home sounds simple to do but actually it does not. We need to carefully design and prepare our work space at home. The concept to design and prepare home office is simple, you home office should be comfortable, fun and appalling for work.

Home office is basically can be place anywhere inside your house. It can be placed on small room, under the stair, in the some room corner, in family room or anywhere you like. Most of designer suggest that your home office should be located in some private and comfortable room in order to have maximum result for your work. When it come to choose home office equipment, you need to consider a few thing before you decide to buy them for your home office.

Home Office Desk
Home office desk is basically have the same function with common office desk. The different is that you can choose whatever home office desk you like but still you have to consider the aesthetic, design, comfort and dimension. If you have small room or space for your home office desk then you should pick the small desk for your home office so your space or room will look larger than it's actual dimension.

Home Office Bookshelf
If you want to setup a home office then you will definitely need one or more Home Office Bookshelf to make sure your books and other documents well arrange. To choose Home Office Bookshelf, first you need to consider the dimension of your Home Office. Another thing to consider in your work load related to the document you need to process. If you will deal with a lot of documents then perhaps you need to choose some bookshelf which you can put all your documents on it.

Home Office Chair
There are some reason why people doing their job at home. The first reason is because they really need to do their work at home which require a lot of comfort and inspiration such as a writer or designer. Another type is such as part time worker or freelance worker. Whether you are a writer, designer, part timer or freelancer, you will need a very comfortable and inspiring Home Office Chair which will energize you to finish whatever job you have. Choose your Home Office Chair based on your comfort and then try to pick the one which fit with your other equipment such as Home Office Desk and Bookshelf.

Home Office Lighting
Home Office is basically require a lot of lighting but still it is unwise to have too much lighting inside. The most comfortable Home Office is usually have enough morning sunlight which give you fresh and warm air. You also can put some down light lamp to make sure you can work and finish your job inside your Home Office

Home Office Accessories
You can put some Home Accessories in your Home Office. Some common Home Office Accessories can make you work easier and faster such as White Board with Pin, Note or Memo Board and Your Picture or Your Family Picture. One thing to be consider is that you should not put those accessories too many because they will make your Home Office feel crowded and uncomfortable for working.

Well, I guess that's it...hopefully it will give you some benefit when you need to setup a Home Office. Have a nice work at home...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tips For Romantic Bedroom Decoration

Tips For Romantic Bedroom Decoration

Romantic Bedroom Decoration is usually related with honeymoon, newly marriage couple or young couple. But did you agree with me if every couple in the word deserve to have a Romantic Bedroom Decoration in their house? Yes I think it does. Every couple deserve to have that, even old couple just like grand parent is deserve to have it if they are really love each other. You bedroom as the most private room for you and your mate should have a special decoration. It has to be special and romantic for both of you. Well if you feel that you have not doing some romantic decoration for your bedroom then maybe this is the time for you to do it. You do not have to hire some good designer to do this, just try it yourself to make some necessary change on your bedroom. I guaranty if this will be fun. Let's get started

Romantic Bedroom Paint And Wallpaper
This is the first step for making Romantic Bedroom Decoration. Try to pick some soft color which can give you and your mate an intimacy impression. People usually think of pink color if they want to make a Romantic Bedroom Decoration. You can choose pink color but you can also choose another color which you think can give a romantic situation such as soft yellow, soft blue or white. You can also try to combine some color to make your bedroom feel more romantic if you like to. Just use your imagination, find some references if necessary and read some article about Romantic Bedroom Decoration

Bedroom Curtain and Gordyn
Try to pus some Romantic Curtain or Gordyn for your bedroom to make more romantic impression. Do not put this curtain or gordyn too much because with so many curtain and gordyn will make your bedroom feel crowded. You must pick the right color for the curtain and gordyn so it will fit with your wall paint. You can also choose flower pattern for your bedroom curtain or gordyn to add more romantic impression.

Bed Sheet And Bed Cover
The next step is changing your Bed Sheet or Bed Cover. Just put the right color combination for your Bed Sheet or Bed Cover, choose the best suitable color that fit with Bedroom Wall Paint and Bedroom Curtain. When choosing a Bed Sheet or Bed Cover, try to choose the color or pattern which add more warm and comfortable impression into your bedroom.

Bedroom Candles And Lighting
Romantic Bedroom Decoration also can be created by adding some candles into your bedroom or use some obscure lighting. I guess we all know by adding candles in the bedroom will absolutely create a very romantic impression inside your bedroom. Just try to put the candles around and do not forget to put it wisely because candles can also create danger if you do not becareful with them. You do not want your house to be set on fire offcourse.

Flower And Accessories
The presence of flower in the bedroom will make more dramatic and romantic situation. I guess we all know if flower is the best media to say or express our feeling. Just express your feeling with flowers and also say it with flower inside your bedroom. You can also add some other romantic accessories inside your bedroom but you have to remember not to put too many accessories which make your bedroom feel croded.

Music And Aromatherapy
If you like music then you can add a music player or if you like some Aromatherapy Oil then you also can add it. Slow music and nice aromatherapy oil smell will surely make your bedroom more romantic and cozy.

That's all, I hope you can do all the stuff above by yourself because those things above just an easy idea that you can do it yourself. Have a nice try.

Tips For Optimizing Your Bedroom Design And Interior

Tips For Optimizing Your Bedroom Design And Interior

Bedroom is the most well designed room in many houses. Most people believe if bedroom design should be nice, warm and comfortable because bedroom is the place for them to rest and sleep after whole day work. In order to create such a comfortable Bedroom Design and Interior, you should avoid bright color and uncomfortable furniture inside your bedroom. For that reason, people usually make their Bedroom design and interior usually full with warm, cool and neutral color with comfortable furniture.

Bedroom Paint Color
First thing to do is choosing your basic Bedroom Color. Try to put some cool or warm color depending where you live to create some comfortable bedroom impression. If you live in tropical area, just try to pick some cool color just like light blue or light green to create cool impression for your bedroom. In opposite if you live in cold area, you need to pick some warm color just like light yellow or light red to create warm impression for your bedroom. Some natural color like white also can be applied in every area whether cold or warm.

Bedroom Furniture And Entertainment
Basically, the main furniture inside your bedroom is Bed or Mattress. You need to choose it wisely so you can sleep well inside your Bedroom. You may want to add some simple bedroom furniture and some little entertainment which will make your Bedroom to be more comfortable. Based on your Bedroom Color, try to find simple and suitable furniture for your bedroom. You can add a simple Bedroom Entertainment for you to enjoy before go to sleep. Just a simple Bedroom Entertainment, maybe a stereo set or a television is enough.

Bedroom Decoration
Putting some nice painting and picture will be great for your Bedroom Decoration. It will create more homey impression inside your Bedroom. If you have enough extra budget, you can add some cozy wallpaper to make luxurious impression inside your Bedroom.

Bedroom Floor
After you finish with Bedroom Color, Furniture, Entertainment and Decoration, the next step is decide your Bedroom Floor. To choose your bedroom floor you also have to consider the place where you live. If you life in hot area, granite and marble is the best option for you to create cool impression. In opposite if you live in cold area, you should pick wooden or carpet floor to make warm impression inside you Bedroom.

Bedroom Curtain
If you have your Bedroom well designed, you should have at least one window for your Bedroom. If you do have at least one window inside your bedroom then you should put a curtain on it. Bedroom Curtain can make your bedroom to be more cozy and comfortable if you choose it wisely. Try to combine two or more curtain if you want a maximum result. One white or bright and thin curtain combined with dark and thick curtain will be nice.

Bedroom Lighting and Accessories
Since you will use your Bedroom mostly for sleeping and rest purpose, try to choose some warm lighting for your Bedroom. Avoid to choose bright lighting for your bedroom and try to choose suitable and fit lighting color based on your previous decoration. For accessories, you can put a mirror on the wall if you have small bedroom to make a wider impression for your bedroom.

Well I guess that's all, some simple tips for making your Bedroom Design and Interior to be more comfortable place for you to rest and slepp. Have a nice try and good luck.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

10 Mistakes To Avoid When You Want To Buy House Furniture

10 Mistakes To Avoid When You Want To Buy House Furniture

When you need to buy some electronic device, I am very sure if you will find a huge references and guide. Did you do the same when you need to buy some house furniture? Did you try to find some house furniture references and guide before decide to buy your house furniture? Well I guess the answer is NO. Most people do not look for references and guide when they need to buy some house furniture. They simply decide to buy and go to furniture shop then pick some good furniture then get them paid and done. This is the common mistake in buying house furniture. Finding a good furniture references and guide can be very important when you need to buy it. If you feel it is just wasting time to find some furniture references and guide, then maybe you have to consider some simple aspect when you need to buy furniture for your house. Here they are, 10 Mistakes To Avoid When You Want To Buy House Furniture :

1. Less Preparation or No Preparation At All
When it comes for furniture shopping, Most people just go to the furniture shop without any preparation. They just simply enter the shop and go find the furniture they want without even consider what kind of theme they want for their house. Before you do some furniture shopping, you should try to plan it well. Make a drawing of your room sketch and try to find some interior magazine you will have some idea what you are going to do with your room.

2. Do Not Pay Attention To The Furniture Scale
Furniture Shopping Center or Furniture Mart can trick you about the scale of furniture because they have a huge room. Big furniture will look nice inside the store because they have large room but when you bought it for your smaller room it will not fit. If you do step 1 above then you should have the room dimension. Try to imagine whether the furniture you want fit with your room or not.

3. Do Not Testing Them Out
Never buy a furniture without testing it out. That principle you should keep in your mind. For example, if you want to buy a sofa then you should try it out. Try to sit on that sofa and feel it. Grab a book then try to read on that sofa. You should buy the sofa which you feel comfortable with it after you try it out.

4. To Soon To Decide
Every furniture will have their own characteristic. For example, They will appear different under some various light. Before you buy the furniture, try to fit it with your wall paint, wallpaper or any other furniture you have.

5. Emotional Buying
Furniture sale is often offered with big discount. You should not affect by this offer especially if you do not need to buy a furniture. Do not buy unnecessary furniture just because you have been persuaded by a big discount.

6. Rejecting Sales Help
Most people will refusing product knowledge from furniture sales. I guess this is a mistake even though most of the sales is very annoying when they promote their furniture product. Just take the good side of furniture product offer by the sales and do not be rush, the decision to buy is still yours.

7. Weekend Furniture Shopping
Most people will spend their time for weekend shopping so if you really want to enjoying you furniture shopping, just do not do it on the weekend. Try to find another day because it will be crowded on the weekend.

8. To Many Suggestion
Having some suggestion from your friend or family is very good. But too many suggestion will confused you. Try not to grab all the suggestion and choose it wisely which one is best fit with your needs.

9. Paying Too Much
Do not be rush when you need to buy furniture because there will be so many special price and discount. Try to spend some time to find furniture you want which have a special price and discount so you do not have to pay it too much.

10. Forget Your House Door Size
The most funny mistake but still a lot of people do this. Just pay attention to your house door size and the furniture you bought.

Well that's all...Happy Furniture Shopping Guys...

Changing Kitchen Style And Look With Minimum Cost

Changing Kitchen Style And Look With Minimum Cost

Not everybody think if kitchen style and look is important. Most people think if it is not necessary to make your kitchen look nice and feel stylish. Yea most people says if it's just wasting money to make your kitchen at a very good shape and condition. Did you ever notice if you can do some minimum effort by yourself to make your kitchen more comfortable? Yes it does, it's very simple things to do to change your Kitchen Style and Look with minimum cost. Here they are :

Kitchen Curtain
If there is some curtain in your kitchen, just try to wash and clean them so they can give a fresh impression in your kitchen. It will be better if you change your kitchen curtain periodically so you will always have a fresh new impression. If you have some extra budget, try to spend some for buying new curtain. Various curtain type, color and pattern will make your kitchen more comfortable so you do not feel boring wen you cook.

Kitchen Cabinet
I believe if dirty and broken kitchen cabinet is the biggest problem for you. So what do you think you can do with these dirty and broken cabinet? Well I guess you don not have to put them away and replace with the new one. Just try to clean them as clean as you can. If you still feel not satisfied, you may try to re-paint them with new fresh color and fit with your kitchen condition.

Kitchen Wall Paint
For most people, Kitchen Wall Paint will be their first priority for kitchen renovation. You can also try to change your Kitchen Wall Paint if you have extra budget. I guess it will be much better if you try to combine the old wall paint and new wall paint so you do not have to spend a lot of money for buying wall paint. Another option is by adding some wallpaper stripping on certain wall side, this will help you save your money.

Kitchen Accessories
Try to add some Kitchen Accessories if you do not have any. If there are already some Kitchen Accessories inside your kitchen, then you should re-arrange them or adding some new fresh Kitchen Accessories to make your kitchen look more nice and stylish.

Children Touch
Some people say that the kitchen will be more nice if there is some children touch. Well for this purpose, you can add some of your children painting inside your kitchen. It will definitely make your kitchen look nice and also make your children proud of what they do.

I guess that's it. Some simple things that you can do by yourself to cahne your Kitchen Style and Look with a very minimum cost. Have a nice try...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kitchen Design Tips

Kitchen Design Tips For Your House

For most people, cooking could be very fun activity to do. Some people like cooking so much so they have put a very huge amount investment to build a sophisticated kitchen in their house and fill it with high tech kitchen equipment. For people who have cooking as their hobby, kitchen is the most favorite place for them and they will do the best to make their kitchen comfortable.

Kitchen Type

Making comfortable kitchen will require a lot of effort and hardworking because as we all know kitchen is the place in the house which produce a lot of waste. First thing to do when you want to build a nice and healthy kitchen you have to decide what type of kitchen you want to build.
There are 2 basic type of kitchen you can build for the first time, which are :

1. Dry Kitchen
This is the most simple type of kitchen. This type of kitchen do not require a lot of equipment and tool because only simple food will be prepared here. No heavy equipment needed in this type of kitchen. Mostly modern family will have this type of kitchen. They only need to prepare simple breakfast here and then they will go for work or school.

2. Wet Kitchen
This is the real kitchen type where you can prepare food from the very fresh meat and vegetables into some delicious food. This type of kitchen will require a lot of equipment and kitchen set such as water system, refrigerator, gas, sanitation and other kitchen equipment.

Kitchen Shape And Design

Wet kitchen type usually have a well design and arrangement and mostly will be made in some basic shape and design such as :

1. Single Line Kitchen Shape And Design
This is the most simple wet kitchen shape and design. This kind of kitchen shape and design usually found in apartment or small house with limited room to arrange. This single line kitchen shape and design is commonly not really effective but can save a lot of room space.

2. Double Line Kitchen Shape And Design
This is the larger version of Single Line Kitchen Shape and Design. This kind of kitchen shape and design usually apply on medium house type which have larger room space than apartment or small house. Double Line Kitchen Shape and Design is very effective if you want to separate your wet and dry kitchen inside your house.

3. L Shape Kitchen Design
This type of kitchen shape is based on Double Line Kitchen Shape And Design. The different is that the L Shape Kitchen Design is usually take more space and relatively more comfortable for cooking purpose. L Shape Kitchen Design is only effective when applied on larger house which relatively more space for kitchen.

4. U Shape Kitchen Design
This kitchen shape and design is the extension of L Shape Kitchen Design. This kind of kitchen really require a large room space to apply and usually only big or elite house which have this kind of kitchen. U Shape Kitchen Design have three side which usually consist of dry kitchen, wet kitchen and the last side can be use as a storage room.

5. Island Shape Kitchen Design
This is the most sophisticated kitchen shape and design which basically combine the house kitchen and dining room. This kitchen type can be applied both on small house and big house but still have to consider the dimension factor. Island Shape Kitchen Design also give an exclusive impression and many people like to apply this kitchen type inside their house.

So what kind of kitchen you like? I guess it's all up to you. You can also create your own kitchen shape and design and apply it as long as you feel comfortable with your creation. Happy cooking...

More Comfortable Living Room Tips

Making Your Living Room To Be Much More Comfortable

Living room as the part of your house is usually a room for entertain purpose. This room usually designed especially for family gathering and having family fun time just like reading, watching movie or television and other fun activity. A well designed living room will make it as a favorite place for entire family member. To make your living room as a favorite place for your family, you need to make it as comfortable as you can by design and arrange it well, choose the right furniture and adding some entertainment equipment such as television, stereo set, home theater, books and any other entertainment support. There are some basic tips to make your living room to be much more comfortable and optimal for your family member, here they are :

Choose The Right Entertainment Element And Furniture.
With suitable entertainment element and furniture, your living room will have maximum function as favorite and recreational place for your family. For example, if you have small or medium living room size so you should not put big furniture inside. In opposite if you have a large living room size, so do not be hesitate to put some bigger furniture or any other entertainment element.

Choose The Right Color and Pattern Combination.
Choosing the right color-pattern combination for your furniture inside living room will make it feel comfortable and also make harmony impression. Try to avoid to put unnecessary color element which create uncomfortable situation.

Nice Interior Design.
Having a nice interior design for your living room does not mean you have to hire some expensive interior designer. You can do it yourself by read some well design living room or find article about interior design for living room in internet. You can also observe your neighbor's living room and use your imagination to apply some for your own living room.

Planning A Good Air Circulation.
Good air circulation will create a healthy living room. You have to plan it well if you want to make your living room to be the healthy favorite place for all your family member. A good air circulation will also produce fresh air for your family and in the end this will create comfort and harmony inside your living room.

Well I guess those tips above can be done by yourself and do not need any additional budget. You can start with your existing living room and later maybe you can add a nicer new things to your living room or maybe move some unused things from your living room. Have a nice try...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

House Paint Color Meaning and Expression

House Paint Color - The Meaning and Expression

House paint color absolutely will have meaning and reflect the owner expression. The color of house also can affect our mood. For example a blue baby color tend to give cool, calm and comfortable effect. Most people also says if wall color and paint related with certain emotion such as people mood. House color and paint in fact, also create room impression or theme. With this room impression or color theme, you can create a nicer room inside your house. Here some basic color theme for you to consider before apply it into your house.

This color absolutely gives you cool, calm and comfortable impression. Blue color is best for a room which have a lot of sunlight exposure so that room will look and feel more cool although in fact sunlight will make that room feel hot. In the opposite, this blue color is not fit if you apply it an the darker room because it will give cold and rigid impression.

The green color will always associate with trees, bushes and grass so this color will give natural expression wherever it is. Green color also give some traditional and exotic expression when it apply inside the room and combined with natural wooden furniture.

As one of the primary color. Red reflect a flaming fire with never ending spirit. This color bring passion and create hot impression inside the room. This color also associate with modern things. The red color is very good to apply in the house which lies on the cold area such as mountain area or snowy area.

This color is always bonding with the word Romantic and Valentine. If you want romantic and warm impression then this color is the best choice. Pink color also good for children room, it give your children fresh impression so they will not be boring inside.

Orange color is relatively similar with red color. The different is that orange color bring more warmer and passion feeling than the red color. This color will also give dramatic, modern and cool impression for your room.

Yellow color is absolutely identical with the sunlight. This color is great for bringing joy, energizing and warm impression inside the room. Bright yellow color also a very common color to use for house paint because this color also easy to combine with many various color.

With the knowledge of color impression in the wall or room, you can bring your imagination about the color for your room inside your house.

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